emsan Emsan Nose Balm for Dry and Chapped Skin and Inside Nostrils

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Kosmetika / Deutschland / emsan Emsan Nose Balm for Dry and Chapped Skin and Inside Nostrils verkauf
Produktcode: Emsan Nose Balm for Dry and Chapped Skin and Inside Nostrils
Markieren: Deutschland
Produkttyp: Kosmetika
Kategorie: Healthy Breathing, Nose Flush & Spray
Care for dry nosesEmsan Nose Balm by Emcur is a gentle way of relieving symptoms of a dry nose and the effects of seasonal hay fever. The nasal lubricant works in two ways; as emollient it helps to deal with persistent mucus crusts and dry skin. The unique Emser salt from the spa town of Bad Ems functions as a natural moisturiser. Mineral salts and trace elements loosen dried nasal mucus inside and around the nose. Emsan Nose Balm creates a barrier preventing further irritation. Essential oils provide a pleasant smell.Emsan Nose Balm for sore nostrils
  • With Emser Salt
  • Emollient for skin in and around nostrils
  • With essential oils
  • Builds barrier to protect skin
  • Suitable for hay fever, colds and flu
Relief for dry skin inside noseDry air in winter or air conditioning can dry out the nose and cause problems. Aggressive mucus caused by flu, colds and hay fever can make skin sore and chapped inside the nose as well as around it. Often lips suffer too and become cracked. The Emsan nose balm relieves the symptoms of chapped and cracked skin. The cream creates a barrier in the nasal vestibule and around the nose preventing further irritation. This barrier function can also help against the effects of seasonal hay fever when applied at night before bedtime.How to administer the nasal lubricant: Insert a lentil sized amount into each nasal vestibule and squeeze the nostrils gently to apply cream evenly inside the nose. Please read leaflet. Not suitable for children under 2 years.More Bad Emser salt products by Emcur are available from the PureNature online shop.

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emsan Emsan Nose Balm for Dry and Chapped Skin and Inside Nostrils